
Ktor server for beginners – Login & Authentication – Part 1

Level: Beginner In the previous lesson we learned how to store files and provide them as static content, at the moment anyone with access to our server’s address can add or delete fruits and while this might sound convenient we want to know who added what so we know who to blame when we see […]

Ktor server for beginners – Login & Authentication – Part 1 Read More »

Ktor server for beginners – MongoDB (Part 2 – queries)

Level: Beginner Welcome back!, in the previous lesson we learned how to setup our mongoDB and how to add, read, update and delete documents from our collections, in this lesson we are going to learn how to make queries to filter and sort our documents!. Sorting data To sort the list of documents returned by

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Ktor server for beginners – sending and receiving data

Level: Beginner Ktor is a lightweight and high-performance framework for building asynchronous servers and clients in Kotlin. It provides an easy-to-use and intuitive API for creating web applications, microservices, and other types of network applications. With its simple and concise syntax, Ktor allows developers to quickly create and deploy robust and scalable applications with minimal

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upload image from ktor client to ktor server

Uploading image using Android Ktor client to Ktor server

Level: Medium Ktor is an excellent client for api requests in Android, it has many features like web-socket support, asynchronous HTTP requests, and you can extend its functionality with plugins such as authentication and JSON serialization, however uploading an image with a Ktor cleint to a Ktor server wasn’t similar to Retrofit, as trying to

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