
Navigation in compose using Voyager (Android & KMP)

Voyager is one of the easiest navigation libraries out there, it super easy to setup, customizable and provides type safety when passing arguments through Data Classes. Voyager can be used both in native android projects and in Kotlin Multi-Platform projects that use Compose multiplatform for UI. Setup First we need to add the voyager dependency […]

Navigation in compose using Voyager (Android & KMP) Read More »

How to preview your UI in Compose multiplatform (Android studio / Intellij)

If you use compose multiplatform you might face the issue of not being able to preview your common code UI as its not officially supported yet. you can use Fleet to get a preview but i prefere Android Studio. here is how you can have previews in your common code in 2 simple steps. 1.Creating

How to preview your UI in Compose multiplatform (Android studio / Intellij) Read More »