
How to use Hilt for dependency injection in your Android projects

Difficulty: Intermediate What is Dependency Injection? dependency injection is a design pattern in which an object or function receives other objects or functions that it depends on.[1] But what is a dependency injection library? dependency injection libraries like Dagger 2 or Hilt, are used in projects to reduce boilerplate code and have all the benifits […]

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post featured image

Bottom navigation bar setup tutorial – Android [XML]

Difficulty: Beginner Implementing Bottom navigation on android can be a tricky task, since there isn’t clear instructions on how it can be implemented properly, in this article we are going to implement the material design ‘bottom navigation view’ with multiple back stacks that preserve their state when switching between different screens. Setup To use bottom

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Recycler view featured image

Display a list of items in a RecyclerView on Android using Kotlin

Level: Beginner If you need to show a dynamic list of items in your android app, recycler view is your best choice, recycler view is designed to display a large list of data while not consuming so much memory. RecyclerView achieves this by recycling views that are not visible on the screen and uses them

Display a list of items in a RecyclerView on Android using Kotlin Read More »

upload image from ktor client to ktor server

Uploading image using Android Ktor client to Ktor server

Level: Medium Ktor is an excellent client for api requests in Android, it has many features like web-socket support, asynchronous HTTP requests, and you can extend its functionality with plugins such as authentication and JSON serialization, however uploading an image with a Ktor cleint to a Ktor server wasn’t similar to Retrofit, as trying to

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